Synthesis and morphological study of two dimensional conjugated molecules

  • Chang, Chih-Yu (PI)

Project: A - Government Institutionf - Other (Funded by Government)

Project Details


The solar cells based on lead halide perovskites have been considered as next-generation photovoltaic technology, thanks to their potential advantages of cost-effective, flexible, thin, lightweight, and large-scale manufacturing capability. Despite these advantages, their performance and lifetime are far from acceptable for practical use. Recently, my research group has been making impact to the development of perovskite solar cells, and our work has led to remarkable breakthroughs. The obtained power conversion efficiency (PCE) represent the highest reported to date for the same type devices. Based on our findings, we will further propose new strategies to achieve high-performance, stable, large-area solar cells based on cost-effective procedures in this project. We will aim to employ interface engineering to develop novel interfacial layers. The applicability of these materials to large-area devices will also be examined by using doctor-blade coating technique. For various conjugated molecules-based interfacial materials, one-dimensional conjugated system has been well developed. Despite that two-dimensional conjugated molecules can provide multi-direction for charge transport and have drawn much attention very recently, only few efforts have been devoting to develop the related new materials and study their nanoscale morphologies. In this project, we aim to develop novel two-dimensional conjugated molecules through the doping techniques. The effects of structures and morphologies on the properties will also be investigated. At the end of this project, the stability of the resulting devices will also be systematically investigated.
Effective start/end date3/1/1612/31/16


  • solar cells
  • efficiency
  • stability


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