RNA-Seq Analysis of Transcriptome in Toxocara canis L3-Infected Host

  • Liao, Chien-Wei (PI)

Project: A - Government Institutionb - National Science and Technology Council

Project Details


Human toxocariasis belongs to zoonotic parasitosis with wide geographical distributions and mainly caused by the larval migration of Toxocara. canis, through human organs and tissues. The migration of T. canis larvae in humans may lead to visceral larva migrans (VLM), ocular toxocariasis (OT) and cerebral toxocariasis (CT). Humans can be infected by ingesting the parasites’ eggs in contaminated food or water, by contact with the larvae (especially those on bitches that have recently given birth or the muzzles of puppies) or by consumption of the paratenic hosts of the parasite. However, the status of RNA expression of the invading larvae per se in the internal organs remains unknown. Transcriptome has become common technique in detection of various RNA expressions because of its efficiency and fast feature by using RNA-seq. RNA-seq is one sequencing technique with high-throughput ability to sequence cDNA library which is transcribed from all RNAs in tissues or cells, can be used to quantify, profile, and discover RNA transcripts by sequence reads. Thus, the transcripts can then be mapped on the reference genome to get comprehensive genetic information, such as transcription localization and alternative splicing status. RNA-Seq has been widely used in biological, medical, clinical and pharmaceutical research. We intend to construct the RNA-seq analysis of transcriptome in Toxocara canis L3-infected host thus allowing further insight into the expression and regulation of various RNA in larva and infected host. This will benefit to provide a new strategy in developing a useful measure and new drugs against human toxocariasis. This will present the useful information for other researchers.
Effective start/end date8/1/137/31/14


  • Human toxocariasis
  • VLM
  • OT
  • CT
  • transcriptome
  • RNA-Seq


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