Oral Health and Interventions for Elderly in Long-Term Care Facilities

Project: A - Government Institutionb - National Science and Technology Council

Project Details


The era of aging and advances in technology extended the life expectancy of people. The long-term care facilities provide elderly care because of social change and family structure changes. However, the factors regarding the long-term care facilities are unable to provide good quality of oral care included lack of resources, lack of formal oral health care training, lack of time, increased workload, limited staff resources, and lack of responsibility of managers and et.al. (Dharamsi, Jivani, Dean, & Wyatt, 2009). The oral health becomes one of an important public health issues by WHO in 2003. The oral health has great impact on individuals, families and society. The oral problems will produce pain, dysfunction, and affect the quality of life (Petersen, 2003). This project is expected to be four years project. The first year will investigate the oral health status of elderly who live in long-term care facilities and associate factors by construct questionnaires. The second year will focus on investigating the knowledge, attitude, and behavior of caregivers toward care oral health of elderly by construct questionnaires. The results of first and second years will be compared each other. The purpose of third year will develop a training program of oral care for elderly in long-term care facilities and examine the effects of this training program. The purpose of fourth year will develop a training program of elderly oral care for caregivers in long-term care and examine the effects of this training program. The whole project will be expected to build up an effective training program for both elderly and caregivers in order to provide good quality of oral care and maintain the quality of life.
Effective start/end date8/1/127/31/13


  • long-term care facilities
  • Elderly
  • Oral Health


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