Investigate the background values of anomalous substanes in chinese medicine materials and establish the draft for standard limitation

  • Sheu, Shiow-Yunn (PI)

Project: A - Government Institutionc - Ministry of Health and Welfare

Project Details


1. Investigate the background values of anomalous substanes in chinese medicine materials :Search the annual reports of DOH on anomalous substanes in Chinese medicine materials to establish the draft for standard limitation. 2. Expert’s forum on strategy:Discuss and suggest the daft of strategy. 3. Establish the draft for standard limitation:Reaching the expert’s consensus using the Delphi technique, establish the draft for standard limitation of heavy metals, pesticide residue and microorganism polluents.
Effective start/end date6/7/1112/31/11


  • Chinese medicine
  • heavy metal
  • herbicide residue
  • microorganism pollution


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