Exploratory Study of Self-Identity and Medical Professionalism among Medical Students (II)

Project: A - Government Institutionb - National Science and Technology Council

Project Details


The medical professionalism is considered to be impacted by several key factors. Most literature about the topic of good doctoring mostly depends on the general and ethical education through lecture, service learning, and experiential learning. Anyhow, it often be observed that the descending tendency of empathy gradual from freshmen to practitioner. In order to solve the difficulty, several researches try to enhance the empathy of medical students from investigating the impact from hidden curriculum and role model. Moreover, recent study focus on the investigation on self-identity and medical professionalism. Therefore, we plan to devise instrument based on the needs and cultural context among countries. Focus group and literature review will guide the revision of instrument. We plan to survey medical students by self-reported questionnaires. We also initiate curriculum to foster medical professionalism by means of role modeling. We will evaluate the effectiveness of this program at the end of research. Therefore, the aims of this research include: 1.Investigate the relationship between medical professionalism and self identity. 2.Conduct longitudinal focus group to detect medical professionalism and self identity to those students who took the medical professionalism courses.. 3.Follow-up questionnaire collection. 4.Initiate curriculum to foster medical professionalism.
Effective start/end date8/1/1412/31/15


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