Development and Evaluation of a Comprehensive Model to Intervene Depressed and Suicidal Adolescents

  • Chang, Hsiu-Ju (PI)

Project: A - Government Institutiona - National Health Research Institutes

Project Details


Depression in childhood and adolescence is surprisingly more common than previously considered. The close linkage between childhood and adolescent depression and suicide is well known. Suicide was ranked as the second leading cause of death among youths aged 15 to 24 years and it has been a serious problem for a long time in Taiwan. Within the context of Rosenbaum's resourcefulness theory and Beck's cognitive theory, the major aims of this four-year study will be to develop and evaluate intervention models in school-aged adolescents. In the first year, a comprehensive set of instruments for identifying high risk depressed and suicidal adolescents will be developed. Once the psychometric properties are properly established, these instruments will be used to identify the high risk youth group. The major aim of the second year will be to screen middle and high school students who meet the inclusion criteria for participating interventions. Three intervention models will be conducted in the third year: cognitive-behavior therapy group, musical therapy group, and exercise group. The major purpose of the forth year will be to follow up and evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention models comparing to a control group. Data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics, factor analyses, regression, and structural equation modeling. This information could aid in applying theoretical based nursing interventions to depressed and suicidal adolescents.
Effective start/end date1/1/1112/31/11


  • adolescents
  • depression
  • suicide
  • instrument development
  • cognitive behavior therapy
  • music therapy
  • exercise
  • long-term follow-up


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