Cross-Board Survey of Medical Professionalism: the Effect of Cultural Context (Ii)

Project: B - Project of TMUi - Other (Funded by TMU)

Project Details


The establishment of medical professionalism is long regarded as association with the civil society and state. It is believed that better off on medical professionalism in United States and United Kingdom than other countries, because of well-established civil society and stable state. To successful facilitate medical professionalism in Taiwan society; there are education and government intervention, as well mutual sharing experience from partnership on the way to model good medical professionalism, such as Indonesia. Indonesia is now undergoing a bioethics education reform. Therefore, we plan to devise instrument based on the needs and cultural context among countries in the first year. Focus group and literature review will guide the development of instrument.We also utilize 360 degree to evaluate the observed components of medical professionalism in order to validate the instrument we devise.We plan to survey medical students by self-reported questionnaires, and 360 degree evaluation from evaluators, including peers, supervisors, patients, and nurses. In the third year, we initiate curriculum to foster medical professionalism by means of service learning.We will evaluate the effectiveness of this program. Therefore, the aims of this research include: 1.Survey cross-country and make comparison. 2.Conduct in-depth interview with students across boards to confirm the effect of cross-cultural context. 3.Initiate curriculum to foster medical professionalism.
Effective start/end date8/1/117/31/12


  • medical professionalism
  • questionnaire
  • focus group


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