
Project: A - Government Institutionc - Ministry of Health and Welfare

Project Details


Nanotechnology has been a hot topic worldwide. In agriculture and food production, a number of applications of nano-products are emerging with the capacity to impact both the food industry and consumers in terms of food processing, packaging and production. Nanotechnology has been shown to bring significant benefits to human life. However, like some new technologies, it may introduce potential hazard to human health and environment. Based on scientifical endiences, the same materials will exhibit different toxicology profiles between the bulk form and the nano-sized form. The toxicity will enhance when the size become smaller. There are literatures concerned with the safety or toxicity of inorganic nanoparticles (such as gold, silver, carbon tube). Nanoparticles can enter human bodies easily, and can be absorbed efficiently. Also, a long period (maybe over weeks) is necessary for the clearance of nanoparticles. Thus, the systemic challenges raised by nano-materials should be caution more precisely. It is essential to build-up systematic administration for nano-products, especially those cosmetics, diet supplements, packaging materials, and color additives that already enter the market. It is also important to announce the risk of nanotechnology through social communication and education. In food industry, nanotechnologies are applied mainly in two fields: the manufacture and professing of foods, and the development of novel food containers/packaging materails. Since 2009, Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOST) began to elaborate the guidances on the safety assessment of Nano-foods. A number of discussion forums were held for the feedbacks from the general public, scholars and NGO groups. Meanwhiles, a number of nano-products, e.g. "nano pearl powder", "nano iron", "nano calcium", were collected from the market, and their physiochemical properties were analyzed. To verify their safety as well as the methods for safety assessment, the genotoxicity, 28-day subacute/90-day subchronic toxicity studies were performed in accordance with the recommends from European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA). Finally, the announcement of the “Guidance on the registration of nano-food” was uploaded to the official website of Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA). In this document, either the definition of food-nano or the items for physiochemical property analysis has a detailed instruction. The toxicological reports required for safety assessment were also addressed. In 2012, the guidance on the safety assessment of nano food packaging and container was elaborated. Both the regulation of food contact materials in the EU and the USA were integrated to develop the“Guidance on the registration of food packing materials containing nanomaterials" in Taiwan. The objectives of this proposal are summarized as below: 1.Continued to collect the latest Nano-Tech management information of worldwide and to develop the nano food safety assessment industry guidelines. 2.Host at least four education commettees (public committees) with the highlight on “Guidance on the registration of nano-food” and the “Guidance on the registration of food packing materials containing nanomaterials", to enhance public knowloge of Nanotechnology in food safety. 3.Host the International Symposium to discuss the managemen of Nano-scale food and of Nano-scale food packaging materials. We would invite at least two foreign experts and domestic experts.
Effective start/end date1/1/1612/31/16


  • Nanotechnology
  • Guidance on the registration of nano-food
  • Guidance on the registration of food packing materials containing nanomaterials
  • Regulation and management
  • Risk assessment


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