6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Mattia Sanna with the persons below:
Wayne Gao
Person: Researcher
Yi-Hua Chen
- School of Public Health - Professor
- Master Program in Applied Epidemiology - Joint-Appointment Professor
- Ph.D. Program in Global Health and Health Security - Joint-Appointment Professor
- TMU Research Center of Neuroscience - Member
Person: Researcher
Hung-Yi Chiou
- School of Public Health - Professor
- School of Health Care Administration - Joint-Appointment Professor
- School of Gerontology & Long-Term Care - Joint-Appointment Professor
- Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine - Joint-Appointment Professor
- Graduate Institute of Humanities in Medicine - Joint-Appointment Professor
- Master Program in Applied Epidemiology - Joint-Appointment Professor
- Master Program in Global Health and Health Security - Joint-Appointment Professor
- Ph.D. Program in Global Health and Health Security - Joint-Appointment Professor
- Ph.D. Program for Cancer Molecular Biology and Drug Discovery - Joint-Appointment Professor
- Ph.D. Program in Medical Neuroscience - Joint-Appointment Professor
- Master Program in Clinical Genomics and Proteomics - Joint-Appointment Professor
Person: Researcher
Min-Kuang Tsai
- Taipei Medical University Shuang Ho Hospital - Medical Research Fellow
Person: Researcher
Ping-Ling Chen
- Graduate Institute of Injury Prevention and Control - Professor
- School of Health Care Administration - Joint-Appointment Professor
Person: Researcher