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Additional file 1: of Enterobius vermicularis infection: prevalence and risk factors among preschool children in kindergarten in the capital area, Republic of the Marshall Islands
Fan, C.-K. (Contributor), Chuang, T.-W. (Contributor), Huang, Y.-C. (Contributor), Yin, A.-W. (Creator), Chou, C.-M. (Contributor), Hsu, Y.-T. (Creator), Kios, R. (Contributor), Hsu, S.-L. (Creator), Wang, Y.-T. (Contributor), Wu, M.-S. (Contributor), Lin, J.-W. (Creator), Briand, K. (Contributor) & Tu, C.-Y. (Contributor), Figshare, 2019
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.8294162.v1,
Enterobius vermicularis infection: prevalence and risk factors among preschool children in kindergarten in the capital area, Republic of the Marshall Islands
Fan, C.-K. (Contributor), Chuang, T.-W. (Contributor), Huang, Y.-C. (Contributor), Yin, A.-W. (Creator), Chou, C.-M. (Contributor), Hsu, Y.-T. (Creator), Kios, R. (Contributor), Hsu, S.-L. (Creator), Wang, Y.-T. (Contributor), Wu, M.-S. (Contributor), Lin, J.-W. (Creator), Briand, K. (Contributor) & Tu, C.-Y. (Contributor), Figshare, 2019
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.4547027.v1,
Characteristics and clinical outcomes of head-injured cyclists with and without helmets in urban and rural areas of Taiwan: A 15-year study
Lin, J.-W. (Creator), Chu, S.-F. (Creator), Lin, M.-R. (Creator), Chiu, W.-T. (Contributor), Lin, C.-M. (Creator), Tsai, S.-H. (Contributor), Chiou, H.-Y. (Contributor), Liou, T.-H. (Contributor), Chiang, Y.-H. (Contributor) & Kuo, C.-Y. (Contributor), Taylor & Francis, 2017
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.4038342.v2,