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Chang, F.-H. (PI)
1/1/25 → 12/31/25
Project: A - Government Institution › a - National Health Research Institutes
Chang, F.-H. (PI)
8/1/24 → 7/31/25
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Chang, F.-H. (PI)
8/1/24 → 7/31/25
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Chang, F.-H. (PI)
8/1/23 → 7/31/24
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Chang, F.-H. (PI)
1/1/23 → 12/31/23
Project: B - Project of TMU › i - Other (Funded by TMU)
A Novel Rehabilitation Approach for Optimizing Dyadic Outcomes of Stroke Survivors and Their Caregivers: Dyadic Strategy Training (1/3)
Chang, F.-H. (PI)
8/1/22 → 7/31/23
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Chang, F.-H. (PI)
1/1/22 → 12/31/22
Project: A - Government Institution › a - National Health Research Institutes
Effect of Strategy Training on Improving Executive Functions in Persons Following Acquired Brain Injury
Chang, F.-H. (PI)
8/1/21 → 7/31/22
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Chang, F.-H. (PI)
1/1/21 → 12/31/21
Project: A - Government Institution › a - National Health Research Institutes
Chang, F.-H. (PI)
1/1/21 → 12/31/21
Project: B - Project of TMU › h - Higher Education Sprout Project
Effect of Strategy Training on Improving Executive Functions in Persons Following Acquired Brain Injury
Chang, F.-H. (PI)
8/1/20 → 7/1/21
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Chang, F.-H. (PI)
1/1/20 → 12/31/20
Project: A - Government Institution › d - Ministry of Education
Chang, F.-H. (PI)
1/1/20 → 12/31/20
Project: A - Government Institution › a - National Health Research Institutes
Effect of Strategy Training on Improving Executive Functions in Persons Following Acquired Brain Injury(1/3)
Chang, F.-H. (PI)
8/1/19 → 7/31/20
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Chang, F.-H. (PI)
1/1/19 → 12/1/19
Project: A - Government Institution › a - National Health Research Institutes
Chang, F.-H. (PI)
1/1/19 → 12/1/19
Project: A - Government Institution › d - Ministry of Education
From Hospital to Community: Longitudinal Changes of Participation in Younger Stroke Survivors(3/3)
Chang, F.-H. (PI)
8/1/18 → 10/1/19
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
From Hospital to Community: Longitudinal Changes of Participation in Younger Stroke Survivors
Chang, F.-H. (PI)
8/1/17 → 7/31/18
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Chang, F.-H. (PI)
1/1/17 → 12/31/17
Project: C - Project of Alliance › j - National Taipei University of Technology
From Hospital to Community: Longitudinal Changes of Participation in Younger Stroke Survivors
Chang, F.-H. (PI)
8/1/16 → 7/31/17
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Chang, F.-H. (PI)
8/1/16 → 7/31/17
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
計畫名稱: 復健病人的社會參與:以ICF為基礎之量表發展
Chang, F.-H. (PI)
6/1/15 → 12/31/16
Project: C - Project of Alliance › p - Taipei Medical University Hospital
Participation in Community-Dwelling Rehabilitation Patients---Measurement Development and Factors Investigation Based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (Icf)
Chang, F.-H. (PI)
4/1/15 → 10/31/16
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Chang, F.-H. (PI)
1/1/15 → 12/31/16
Project: B - Project of TMU › g - Research Grants for Newly Hired Faculty