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Yang, C.-T. (PI)
1/1/25 → 12/31/25
Project: A - Government Institution › a - National Health Research Institutes
利用系統多因子技術探討pip-and-pop effect的認知歷程
Yang, C.-T. (PI)
7/1/24 → 2/28/25
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Yang, C.-T. (PI)
1/1/24 → 12/31/24
Project: A - Government Institution › a - National Health Research Institutes
Yang, C.-T. (PI)
1/1/24 → 12/31/24
Project: A - Government Institution › a - National Health Research Institutes
Yang, C.-T. (PI)
8/1/23 → 7/31/24
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Yang, C.-T. (PI)
8/1/23 → 7/31/24
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
利用黎曼幾何建構臉孔空間中心象表徵 :以非典型臉偏誤與他種族效應為例
Yang, C.-T. (PI)
7/1/23 → 2/29/24
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
112年度【產學合作計畫-透過VR學漢藥:發展與評估創新科技導入的漢藥文化推廣模式 (2)】
Yang, C.-T. (PI)
6/1/23 → 5/31/24
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Yang, C.-T. (PI)
6/1/23 → 12/31/24
Project: A - Government Institution › d - Ministry of Education
Yang, C.-T. (PI)
1/1/23 → 12/31/23
Project: A - Government Institution › a - National Health Research Institutes
Yang, C.-T. (PI)
1/1/23 → 12/31/23
Project: B - Project of TMU › h - Higher Education Sprout Project
Yang, C.-T. (PI)
1/1/23 → 12/31/23
Project: A - Government Institution › a - National Health Research Institutes
Development and Examination of Virtual Reality in Mental Rotation Training on the Learning of Geometry in Junior High School Students (1/2)
Yang, C.-T. (PI)
8/1/22 → 7/31/23
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Applying Vr to Learn Chinese Herbology: Development and Evaluation of the Model of Promoting Chinese Herbology Culture via an Innovative Technology
Yang, C.-T. (PI)
6/1/22 → 5/31/23
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Yang, C.-T. (PI)
1/1/22 → 12/31/22
Project: A - Government Institution › a - National Health Research Institutes
Yang, C.-T. (PI)
1/1/22 → 12/31/22
Project: B - Project of TMU › h - Higher Education Sprout Project
Yang, C.-T. (PI)
9/15/21 → 9/14/22
Project: B - Project of TMU › g - Research Grants for Newly Hired Faculty
Development of smart shopping mall service and user experience research: An integration of iBeacon technology and Augmented Reality technology (2)
Yang, C.-T. (PI)
6/1/21 → 9/30/22
Project: D - Other Project
Decoding and Promoting Resilient Brains: from Multivariate Profiling to Intervention
謝淑蘭 (PI) & Yang, C.-T. (CoPI)
1/1/21 → 4/30/23
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Using systems factorial technology to study the emergent properties of decision-making process: From individual decisions to joint decisions
Yang, C.-T. (PI)
8/1/20 → 7/31/23
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Develpment and Examiniation of Virtual Reality in Visuospatial Cogntiive Training on the Learning of Geometry in the Elementary School
Yang, C.-T. (PI)
8/1/20 → 7/31/22
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Development of smart shopping mall service and user experience research: An integration of iBeacon technology and Augmented Reality technology
Yang, C.-T. (PI)
6/1/20 → 5/31/21
Project: D - Other Project