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- 2,450 - 2,500 out of 3,075 results
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Study of Nano-Size Memberane Tube for Tendon to Bone in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Chen, C.-H. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Study on the Mechanism of Cross-Talk between Ahr and Autophagy, and Autophagy---Associated Physiological or Pathological Phenomenon on Vascular and Airway Systems (I)
Li, C.-H. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
The Effects of the APOE4 Allele on Cerebral Structural and Functional Connectivity---A Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Resting-State MRI Study
Chen, C.-J. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Hsieh, C.-Y. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Pragmatic Challenges to Contemporary Vi Sions on Professionalism in Taiwan and Western Countries:Proposing and Evaluating a Situational and Relational Learning Paradigm Based upon Community Mental Health
Tsai, D.-J. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Development of a Computerized Adaptive Testing of the Health Literacy in Stroke Rehabilitation
Hou, W.-H. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Mechanisms Underlying Airway Hypersensitivity Induced by Hydrogen Sulfide
Lin, Y.-S. (PI)
8/1/14 → 10/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Evaluation of the Mechanism of Post-Traumatic Immunosuppression---The Role of TLR4 Trafficking and microRNA
Lin, J. A. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Evaluate the Molecluar Mechanims and Clinical Application on Atf3 Regulated microRNAs
Lin, H. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Study the Function and Regulation of miRNAs in Pancreatic Cancer Progression (I)
Huang, M.-T. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Developing Human Intestinal in vitro Organ Culture and an in vitro M-Cell Model as Platforms for Investigation of Novel Oral Vaccines
Fang, S.-B. (PI)
8/1/14 → 10/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
The Relationship and Predictors of Electrocardiography, Inflammatory Markers, Clinical Features in Older Bipolar and Schizophrenia Patients Concurrent with Coronary Heart and Cerebro-Vascular Diseases
Tsai, S.-Y. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
The Influence of Porphyromonas gingivalis Groel in Vascular Cells
Lin, F.-Y. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Arsenic Methylation Capacity, Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase and Dna Methylation Gene Polymorphisms, Plasma Selenium Concentration and Selenoprotein Gene Polymorphisms and Renal Cell Carcinoma
Hsueh, Y.-M. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Evaluate the Radio-Biological Roles of miR-17-5P in Oral Cancer Cell Line OC3
Wu, S.-Y. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
An Investigation of the Effects of Tea Component on the Inhibition of Leukocyte Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Expression on Breast Cancer Patients
Tu, S.-H. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Oncolytic Measles Virus for the Treatment of Breast Adenocarcinoma
Lin, L. T. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Effect of Vasopressin Receptor Agonist and Antagonist on Pulmonary Vein and Atrial Arrhythmogenesis
Huang, J.-H. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Application and Mechanism of Novel Fluoro-Rutaecarpine on Inhibition of Inflammation Induced Endomt
Lin, C.-M. (PI)
8/1/14 → 12/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
The Role and Molecular Mechanism of PPARα in Acute Kidney Injury---Focus on the Protective Effect in Renal Tubular Cell
Hsu, Y.-H. (PI), Chen, T.-H. (CoI) & Chen, C.-H. (CoI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Role of Organic Anion Transporter in Renal Tubular Injury---A Gateway to Hurt
Wu, M.-S. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
To Investigate the Role of SPNS2 in Determining Individual Susceptibility to Hypoxic Challenge
Yang, C. H. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Relationships of One-Carbon Cycle Pathways with Psychopathology and Metabolic Abnormalities in Patients with Schizophrenia and Potential Intervention Strategy with 5-Methyltetrahydrofolate and Vitamin B12
Chen, C.-H. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Effects of Central Neuromodulation with Functional Electrical Stimulation on Bladder Functions in Traumatic Brain Injured Rats
Peng, C.-W. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Effects of Functional Electrical Stimulation Cycling and Central Neuromodulation on Motor Control in Stroke
Chen, S.-C. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
The Role of ADAM 17 in Hypoxia-Induced CTGF Expression and Pulmonary Fibrosis (II)
Chen, B.-C. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Investigation on Developing Novel Biomarkers and Treatments in the Patients with Fibromyalgia
Kang, J.-H. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
A Multidisciplinary Study of the Pathophysiology of Blast-Induced Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Chiang, Y.-H. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
The Effect of Endothelin-1 on Myofibroblast Transformation of Pleural Mesothelial Cells and Its Implications for Pleural and Pulmonary Fibrosis
Chung, C.-L. (PI) & Hsiao, G. (CoI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Role of Oxidative Stress-triggered Redox Adaptation Mechanism and Genetically Endowed Expression Profile of Antioxidant Enzymes in the modulation of Intrinsic and Acquired Chemoand Radio-resistance of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells
Chiou, J.-F. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Development of Vector-Borne Disease Forecasting Models Using Satellite Remote Sensing Techniques
Chuang, T.-W. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
The Study of Therapeutic Effects for Stroke with Phenserine, an Amyloid Precursor Protein Inhibitor, in Rodent Focal Cerebral Ischemia Model(2/3)
Chang, C.-F. (PI) & Chiang, Y.-H. (CoI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › a - National Health Research Institutes
A Study on Trans-Neuronal Striato-Nigral Degeneration-Induced Movement Disorders after Stroke---Evaluation with Grey Matter Suppression Ir and Diffusion Tensor Imaging (III)
Chen, C.-Y. (PI)
8/1/14 → 10/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Association Study of Persistent Metabolic Syndrome, Inflammatory Markers, Adipose Markers and Mild Cognitive Decline
Bai, C.-H. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Establish the Research Platform for Studying Triple-Negative Breast Tumor Microenvironment Regulation: the Hyaluronan Synthase-3 Mediated Antitumor Effects as an Example.
Ho, Y.-S. (PI) & Wu, C.-H. (CoI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Evaluation of Clinical Feasibility of Quantitative MR Perfusion Imaging and Its Calibration
Tseng, Y.-C. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
The Role of CISD2 in the Female Reproductive System of Mammal
Chang, H.-Y. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Effects of Uteroplacental Insufficiency and Hyperoxia on Lung Development and Epigenetic Alterations in the Rat Offspring
Chen, C.-M. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Investigation of Glioblastoma Cell-Secreted microRNA Signatures and Their Functional Effects on Tumor Angiogenesis
Chen, K.-C. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Reflex Pelvic Floor Muscle Activities in Women with Urinary Incontinence (II)
Yang, J.-M. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Tsai, D.-J. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › d - Ministry of Education
Kidney Injury and Heat Shock Protein Modulate the Atrial Electrophysiological Characterisitcs
Hsieh, M.-H. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
The Neurotrophic/Neuroprotective Role of GIP in Cellular and Rodent Models of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (III)
Lin, J.-W. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Effects of Different Sources of n-3 Fatty Acids on Bone Loss, Body Fat and Inflammatory Markers in Osteoporotic Condition with Diabetes
Chiu, W.-C. (PI) & Fong, T.-H. (CoI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Wu, C.-H. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Explore the Molecular Mechanisms and Application of microRNA-16 in In Acute Kidney Injury
Chen, H.-H. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Juan, S.-H. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
乳癌是目前世界上女性癌症病患中為數最多的癌症之ㄧ。腺病毒蛋白type 5 E1A (E1A)和許多抗腫瘤作用有關,曾於多種癌症如乳癌、卵巢癌及頭頸癌之病患進行臨床基因治療試驗。許多的研究指出E1A具有多項抗腫瘤的功能,包括抑制腫瘤的發生、增加腫瘤細胞對於化療藥物的感受性以及減少腫瘤轉移的現象。腫瘤的轉移對於癌症患者的死亡率有極大的影響當然也包括了乳癌的患者。E1A於抑制腫瘤發展的過程中具有多重生物學上的意義,這也促使我們想要釐清E1A抑制癌症的機制。因此,我們對於了解E1A抑制癌症轉移相關的分子機制感到有興趣,並期望藉以作為未來改進乳癌病人臨床試驗的基石。我們初步的實驗結果顯示,E1A可以有效的抑制Glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78)這種已被廣泛報導和腫瘤惡化及轉移相關的蛋白的表現。 提出此研究計劃之目的在於詳細探討E1A所造成的抑制癌轉移作用中,GRP78所扮演的生物功能及其調控的機轉。為了達到此目的,我們將著重於E1A如何調控GRP78表現並進而展現對乳癌轉移的抑制作用。以下為此項研究計畫的四大主要目標: 目標一:探討GRP78在E1A所抑制之癌細胞移行及侵入作用中所扮演的角色 目標二:研究E1A抑制GRP78表現之分子機轉 目標三:於動物模式中驗證GRP78的表現對於E1A抗腫瘤作用的影響 目標四:探討GRP78及其相關分子的表現在乳癌病人的臨床重要性 完成以上的主要目標能夠幫助我們對於E1A之抗腫瘤轉移作用建立更加詳細的分子訊息傳遞機制。另外,藉由此研究計畫的新發現也許可以對未來發展癌症治療上提供更多具有潛力的標的物。
Wang, W. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Study of Postoperative Adverse Outcomes of Surgical Patients Using Taiwan National Health Insurance Database
Chen, T.-L. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Studies on the Role of ORMDL3 in Thrombin-Induced IL-8/CXCL8 Expression and Airway Inflammation
Chen, B.-C. (PI)
8/1/14 → 7/31/15
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council