Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 113 results
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Investigating Time-Frequency Characteristics and Neural Mechanisms in Pupillary Responses Modulated by Luminance, Vi Sual Information, Cognitive Effort, and Emotional Arousal Signals Using Hilbert-Huang Transformation and Brain Stimulation
Wang, C.-A. J. (PI)
8/1/24 → 7/31/25
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Wang, C.-A. J. (PI)
8/1/24 → 7/31/25
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Strategies for Overcoming Lenvatinib Tolerant Persister in Hepatocellular Carcinoma via Targeting Clk2 Kinase
Cherng, Y.-G. (PI)
8/1/24 → 7/31/27
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Chen, K.-Y. (PI)
7/26/24 → 7/25/25
Project: B - Project of TMU › g - Research Grants for Newly Hired Faculty
Pupillometry in Vision, Arousal and Cognition: an Integrated Approach Using Oculomotor and Autonomic Responses, Brain Stimulation, and Computational Modeling(5/5)
Wang, C.-A. J. (PI)
2/1/24 → 1/31/25
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
File -
Wang, C.-A. J. (PI)
2/1/24 → 1/31/25
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Cherng, Y.-G. (PI)
1/1/24 → 12/31/24
Project: B - Project of TMU › i - Other (Funded by TMU)
Wang, C.-A. J. (PI)
11/1/23 → 10/31/24
Project: B - Project of TMU › g - Research Grants for Newly Hired Faculty
Liao, C.-C. (PI)
8/1/23 → 7/31/24
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Cherng, Y.-G. (PI)
8/1/23 → 7/31/24
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Chen, J.-T. (PI)
8/1/23 → 7/31/24
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Pupillometry in Vision, Arousal and Cognition: an Integrated Approach Using Oculomotor and Autonomic Responses, Brain Stimulation, and Computational Modeling (4/5)
Wang, C.-A. J. (PI)
2/1/23 → 1/31/24
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Chang, C.-C. (PI)
8/1/22 → 7/31/23
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Identification of Targetable Mediators Involving in Pp1r15b Pathway to Overcome Resistance to Lenvatinib in Drug-Tolerant Persister Liver Cancer
Cherng, Y.-G. (PI)
8/1/22 → 7/31/23
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Identification of Targetable Mediators Involving in Pp1r15b Pathway to Overcome Resistance to Lenvatinib in Drug-Tolerant Persister Liver Cancer
Cherng, Y.-G. (PI)
8/1/22 → 7/31/23
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Implementation of Real World Data in Risk Assessment and Healthcare Model Setting to Improve In-Hospital Outcomes Quality: Introducing Methodology and Application (2/2)
Chen, T.-L. (PI)
8/1/22 → 7/31/23
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Constructing and Validating an Epa-Based Anesthetic Nurse Practitioner Curriculum Map under Hybrid Education (1/2)
Chen, C.-Y. (PI)
8/1/22 → 7/31/23
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Precision Medicine in Clinical Anesthesia - Application of Deep Neural Networks to Predict Intraoperative Hypotension and Postoperative Major Complications
Lin, C.-S. (PI)
8/1/22 → 7/31/23
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Using Microsaccades and Pupil Size to Examine the Quiet Eye and Its Influence on Visual and Oculomotor Behavior in Athletes
Chen, J.-T. (PI)
8/1/22 → 7/31/23
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Cherng, Y.-G. (PI)
4/15/22 → 8/31/22
Project: A - Government Institution › c - Ministry of Health and Welfare
Pupillometry in Vision, Arousal and Cognition: an Integrated Approach Using Oculomotor and Autonomic Responses, Brain Stimulation, and Computational Modeling(3/5)
Wang, C.-A. J. (PI)
2/1/22 → 1/31/23
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Cherng, Y.-G. (PI)
1/27/22 → 12/5/22
Project: A - Government Institution › f - Other (Funded by Government)
Liu, C.-C. (PI)
1/20/22 → 1/19/23
Project: B - Project of TMU › g - Research Grants for Newly Hired Faculty
Chen, J.-T. (PI)
1/1/22 → 12/31/22
Project: B - Project of TMU › h - Higher Education Sprout Project
Cherng, Y.-G. (PI)
1/1/22 → 12/31/22
Project: A - Government Institution › c - Ministry of Health and Welfare
Cherng, Y.-G. (PI)
1/1/22 → 12/31/22
Project: A - Government Institution › f - Other (Funded by Government)
Cherng, Y.-G. (PI)
1/1/22 → 12/31/22
Project: A - Government Institution › c - Ministry of Health and Welfare
Tai, Y.-H. (PI)
9/15/21 → 9/14/23
Project: B - Project of TMU › g - Research Grants for Newly Hired Faculty
Developing and Validating Osces and Epas for Certification and Clinical Ladder System for Nurse Anesthetists: a Mixed Methods Study
Chen, C.-Y. (PI)
8/1/21 → 7/31/22
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Impact of Virtual Reality Anatomy Training on Ultrasound Peripheral Nerve Tracking Ability: Innovation of Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia Teaching in Response to Covid-19
Lin, J. A. (PI)
8/1/21 → 7/31/22
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
The Utilization, Long-Term Trend, and Associated Factors of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Taiwan: a Large-Scale Study with Multiple Samples
Liao, C.-C. (PI)
8/1/21 → 7/31/22
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Implementation of Real World Data in Risk Assessment and Healthcare Model Setting to Improve In-Hospital Outcomes Quality: Introducing Methodology and Application
Chen, T.-L. (PI)
8/1/21 → 7/31/22
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Association between Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug Use and Postoperative Adverse Events in Patients on Dialysis
Lee, Y.-W. (PI)
8/1/21 → 7/31/22
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Big Data Analysis with Data Mining Techniques to Develop Risk Prediction Models for Intraoperative Hypoxemia and Postoperative Shock
Lin, C.-S. (PI)
8/1/21 → 7/31/22
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Establishing A Translational Female Cancer Biomedical Big Data Bank and Developing Precision Medicine Healthcare System( I )
Chen, T.-L. (PI)
5/1/21 → 4/30/22
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Cherng, Y.-G. (PI)
3/15/21 → 6/30/21
Project: A - Government Institution › c - Ministry of Health and Welfare
Pupillometry in Vision, Arousal and Cognition: an Integrated Approach Using Oculomotor and Autonomic Responses, Brain Stimulation, and Computational Modeling(2/5)
Wang, C.-A. J. (PI)
2/1/21 → 1/31/22
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
降血壓藥物(angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, ACEI)對降低缺血性中風患者的神經性退化性疾病及其死亡率之療效評估:以帕金森氏症及失智症為例
Chen, T.-L. (PI)
1/1/21 → 12/31/21
Project: B - Project of TMU › h - Higher Education Sprout Project
Big Data Analysis with Data Mining Techniques to Develop Risk Prediction Models for Intraoperative Hypoxemia and Postoperative Shock
Lin, C.-S. (PI)
8/1/20 → 7/1/21
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Develop Neural Network Models to Evaluate the Risk of Post-Anesthesia Hypoxemia for Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Chang, C.-C. (PI)
8/1/20 → 7/1/21
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Chen, C.-Y. (PI)
8/1/20 → 7/1/21
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Effect of Clinically Applicable Lidocaine Concentration on Colon Cancer Migration: Vi Ewpoint of Epithelial-To-Mesenchymal Transition
Lin, J. A. (PI)
8/1/20 → 7/1/21
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Tai, Y.-H. (PI)
7/1/20 → 6/30/21
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
Chen, J.-T. (PI)
3/1/20 → 2/1/21
Project: C - Project of Alliance › o - Chi Mei Medical Center
Lee, Y.-W. (PI)
3/1/20 → 2/1/21
Project: C - Project of Alliance › o - Chi Mei Medical Center
降血壓藥物(angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, ACEI)對降低缺血性中風患者的神經性退化性疾病及其死亡率之療效評估:以帕金森氏症及失智症為例
Chen, T.-L. (PI)
1/1/20 → 12/1/20
Project: B - Project of TMU › h - Higher Education Sprout Project
Lin, J. A. (PI)
1/1/20 → 12/1/20
Project: B - Project of TMU › h - Higher Education Sprout Project
Tai, Y.-T. (PI)
1/1/20 → 12/1/20
Project: B - Project of TMU › h - Higher Education Sprout Project
Using Data Mining Techniques to Build Risk Assessment Models for Postoperative and Long-Term Complications in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
Lin, C.-S. (PI)
8/1/19 → 7/31/20
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council
The Protective Role of Hmg-Coa Reductase Inhibitor,Statins,In Postoperative Complications and Survival of Critically Ill Subjects(3/3)
Chen, T.-L. (PI)
8/1/19 → 7/31/20
Project: A - Government Institution › b - National Science and Technology Council