Additional file 2: of Psychometric properties of the Chinese mainland version of the Palliative Care Spiritual Care Competency Scale (PCSCCS-M) in nursing: a cross-sectional study
Figure S1. Scree plot. Figure S2. Modified CFA of the three-factor 17-item model. Figure S3. Modified CFA of the three-factor 17-item model. Figure S4. Modified CFA of the three-factor 16-item model. (DOC 379 kb)
Li, F. (Creator), Hu, Y. (Contributor), Chiou, J. (Contributor) (2019). Additional file 2: of Psychometric properties of the Chinese mainland version of the Palliative Care Spiritual Care Competency Scale (PCSCCS-M) in nursing: a cross-sectional study. Figshare. 10.6084/m9.figshare.7822838.v1