Additional file 2 of Comparing two methods for deriving dietary patterns associated with risk of metabolic syndrome among middle-aged and elderly Taiwanese adults with impaired kidney function
Additional file 2: Table S2–1. Factor loadings (Pearson’s correlation coefficients) of food groups in PCA-derived dietary patterns a. Table S2–2. Percentage of variation and Pearson’s correlation coefficients among food groups and response variables in RRR-derived dietary pattern.
Syauqy, A. (Creator), Hsu, C. (Contributor), Chao, J. C. (Creator), Rau, H. (Contributor), Lee, H. (Contributor), Paramastri, R. (Contributor), Kurniawan, A. L. (Creator) (2020). Additional file 2 of Comparing two methods for deriving dietary patterns associated with risk of metabolic syndrome among middle-aged and elderly Taiwanese adults with impaired kidney function. Figshare. 10.6084/m9.figshare.13093951.v1