Additional file 1: of Penfluridol triggers cytoprotective autophagy and cellular apoptosis through ROS induction and activation of the PP2A-modulated MAPK pathway in acute myeloid leukemia with different FLT3 statuses

  • Szu-Yuan Wu (Contributor)
  • Wei-Jiunn Lee (Contributor)
  • Jyh-Ming Chow (Contributor)
  • Ming-Hsien Chien (Contributor)
  • Shun Fa Yang (Contributor)
  • Yi Chieh Yang (Contributor)
  • Chia Chi Ku (Creator)
  • Yu-Ching Wen (Contributor)



Figure S1. Inhibition of reactive oxygen species (ROS) reverses penfluridol-induced LC3 turnover and p62 degradation in HL-60 acute myeloid leukemia cells. Figure S2. Inhibition of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) reverses penfluridol-induced extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) dephosphorylation in U937 and HL-60 acute myeloid leukemia cells. (DOCX 166 kb)
Date made available2019

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