A national survey of ambient air pollution health literacy among adult residents of Taiwan

  • Wen-Hsuan Hou (Creator)
  • Chin Yi Huang (Creator)
  • Chien Yeh Lu (Creator)
  • I. Chen Chen (Creator)
  • Pei Chen Lee (Creator)
  • Ming Yeng Lin (Creator)
  • Yu-Chen Wang (Creator)
  • Lilis Sulistyorini (Creator)
  • Chung Yi Li (Creator)



Abstract Objective To investigate the level of and covariates associated with ambient air pollution health literacy (AAPHL) among adult residents of Taiwan. Methods With a cross-sectional study design, we conducted telephone interviews using a Chinese version AAPHL scale, which consisted of 24 items assessing 12 subdomains of AAPHL formed by 4 information processing competence matrices (i.e., access, understand, appraise, and apply) and 3 health contexts (i.e., healthcare, disease prevention, and health promotion). The AAPHL was with the lowest and highest score at 1 to 4, respectively. Between September and November 2020, a sample of 1017 and 280 adults was successfully interviewed via home phones and mobile phones, respectively. We employed multiple linear regression models to identify covariates significantly associated with overall and 4 matric-specific AAPHL scores. Results The mean and standard deviation (±SD) of overall AAPHL score was considered as moderate at 2.90 (±0.56), with the highest and lowest metric-specific score for “apply” (3.07 ± 0.59) and “appraise” (2.75 ± 0.66). Lower education was significantly associated with a lower overall score; and living with children
Date made available2021

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